Featured Deal Toy: The Facebook IPO

September 19, 2013 by David Parry

The Facebook IPO For our inaugural installment of “Featured Deal Toy,” we have chosen a transaction that, among other things, did not actually occur this month. Or even last month, for that matter. In fact, it didn’t even take place...

Essential Deal Toys for a Successful Closing Dinner

August 26, 2013 by David Parry

Related: Closing Dinner Deal Toys: 5 Ways to Avoid Disaster 7  Ways to Streamline the Deal Toy Process offers this bit of seemingly self-evident, but often neglected advice, and it’s more applicable here than just about anytime...

Don’t Even Think About Putting That in Lucite

July 29, 2013 by David Parry

Don't Even Think about Putting That in Lucite Not everything can be placed inside Lucite; and even some things that can, shouldn’t. By that I mean: placing certain items inside deal toys will not work simply as a result of the baking process...

7 Surefire Signs You Chose the Wrong Deal Toy Company

June 28, 2013 by David Parry

You can avoid choosing the wrong deal toy company. Here are the 7 warning signs that the deal toy company you may be considering (or already using) may not be the right one. 1. They’ve Got No Depth It’s one thing to run a lean operation;...