Crystal building replica commemorating the sale of the Park Hyatt Zurich hotel. (24LNL073)
Crystal building replica commemorating the sale of the Park Hyatt Zurich hotel. (24LNL073)
Crystal deal tombstone marking the acquisition of ProfitKey, a New Hampsphire-based ERP (enterprise resource planning) platform provider for manufacturers. The acquirer was Texas-based ECI Software. (24AKL304)
Crystal financial tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Data Science Automation, an automation engineering services and training firm. (24AKL073)
Custom crystal celebrating a public-private partnership to building faculty and staff housing at Appalachian State University. The joint venture is part of the university’s Innovation District’s commitment to zero carbon emissions. (24AZH037)
Crystal financial tombstone, featuring frosted text, recognizing the acquisition of Neuro Alert. The White Plains, New York-based healthcare company provided neurophysiological monitonring and documentation services. (24AZH133)
Crystal deal toy commemorating the merger of housing developer Assemble with affordable housing manager Super Housing Partnerships. The newly-created entity, Assemble, will focus on affordable rental housing in Australia. (24ALJ209)
Custom crystal container ship marking the 25th anniversary of OEC Group’s New York branch. (22AKL554)
Crystal, iPhone-themed deal tombstone celebrating the acquisition of Aloompa. Aloompa is a Nashville-based mobile app provider for live events such as concerts and sporting events. (24AKL197)
Crystal financial tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Acadience Learning, a company focused on early literacy assessments. (24AKL208)