Material: Lucite

Lens-Themed Lucite Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy, with clear plexi spinning “lens”, marking the acquisition of Knight Optical. Based in the United Kingdom, the company manufactures scientific optical components. (24AZH154)

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Side view of lens-themed Lucite deal toy with spinning plexi piece.

Lucite Vial Embedment Celebrating FDA Approval

Custom Lucite, incorporating an embedded vial of Imdelltra, celebrating the approval of the drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Developed by Amgen, Imdelltra treats small cell lung cancer, a condition that afflicts about 35,000 Americans annually. (24ALJ148)

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Alpine Laser Lucite Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy, featuring a reverse-etched lasered logo, marking the acquisition of Alpine Laser. The company specializes in laser technology for medical devices. (24AKL389)

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Lucite Deal Toy with Embedded Booklet

Lucite deal toy, with slant-top rectangular design, containing an embedded booklet. (22AZH066)

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Side view of slant-top Lucite deal toy with fanned-out booklet embedded inside.

Lucite Team Integration Award


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Honda National Technician Award

Custom Lucite award presented to winners of Honda’s inaugural National Technican Contest. The event also recognizes Honda’s Powersports technical training programs. (24ALJ356)

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Side view of custom Lucite award created for Honda's inaugural National Technician Contest

Custom Lucite for Phase I Drug Trial

Custom Lucite celebrating the first-in-human trial of SOR 102, a treatment for nflammatory bowel disease. The drug was developed by Utah-based Sorriso Pharmaceuticals. (23AKL435)

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Side view of Lucite commemorative celebrating the first patient dosed in the clinical trial of Sorriso's SOR 102 drug.

Coffee Cup-Inspired Financial Tombstone

Lucite financial tombstone commemorating the acquisition of U.K. coffee chain Coffee#1. The chain operates across Wales, the Midlands, and Southern England. (9LJW051)

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Custom Lucite marking the acquisition by the Nero Group of the Coffee#1 chain.

Client Litigation Victory Commemorative

Custom Lucite commemorative celebrating the dismissal of a lawsuit, and affirmation of that decision. (23ALJ093)

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