Lucite deal toy commemorating a construction loan for the Robin Hollow Solar farm in West Greenwich, Rhode Island. The design features a Lucite piece cut in the shape of the 180-acre project area. (22AKL480)
Lucite deal toy commemorating a construction loan for the Robin Hollow Solar farm in West Greenwich, Rhode Island. The design features a Lucite piece cut in the shape of the 180-acre project area. (22AKL480)
Lucite deal toy celebrating the acquisition of Patio Productions, a brand of e-commerce outdoor furniture supplier LTD Online Stores. (24AKL109)
Lucite financial tombstone marking the acquisition of Empire Distributing. The company provides a variety of hearth products, including fireplaces, stoves, gas logs, and fire pits. (24AZH204)
Lucite tombstone celebrating the launch by Palo Alto-based Institutional Ventue Partners of its 18th fund. The fund will focus on technology sectors such as artificial intelligence (AI), fintech, SaaS, and enterprise infrastructure. (24ALJ047)
Lucite deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Artificial Turf Supply. Based in Carlsbad, California, ATS produces artificial turf for use in playgrounds, and in commercial and residential uses (including surfaces for pets.). (22AKL622)
Custom Lucite deal toy marking the acquisition of BBQ/barbecue smokehouse U.K-based chain Hickory’s. Hickory’s has 17 restaurants across the Midlands and Northwest. (22LJW162)
Hexagonal Lucite dealtoy, with a spinning top, marking the sale of Pro Gamers Group. Based in Berlin, PGG supplies gaming computer systems and peripherals. (21LJW157)
Lucite deal toy, with miniature toy cars, marking the acquisition of A2B, an Australian taxi network, and also a provider of technology for the personal transport industry. The Australian Securities Exchange-listed company includes the taxi service brand 13cabs, and also the Cabcharge digital payment service. (24ALJ159)