Material: Lucite

Storage Tank-Themed Deal Toy

Storage tank-themed deal toy commemorating the acquisition by pipeline services company Shawcor of ZCL Composites. ZCL provides underground storage tanks for fuel, water, and wastewater.

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Financial tombstone marking the acquisition of ZCL Composites, which provides underground storage tanks.

Forklift-Themed Financial Tombstone

Custom financial tombstone commemorating senior notes issued by Toyota Industries.

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Forklift-Themed Lucite Tombstone

Custom Lucite tombstone marking a senior notes offering by Toyota Industries.

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Mining-Themed Custom Lucite

Custom Lucite, incorporating actual iron ore concentrate, commemorating the commissioning of the Marampa mine in Sierra Leone.

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Custom tombstone commemorating production at the Marampa mine in Lunsar, Sierra Leone. Lucite tombstone, containing actual iron ore, commemorating operations of the Marampa mine in Sierra Leone.

Danish Steel Industry Deal Toy

Custom Lucite deal toy marking the acquisition of the steel distribution business of Sanistal, Denmark’s second-largest steel distributor.

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Girder-themed Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition by Tibnor of the steel distribution business of Denmark's Sanistal.

Mountain-Themed Lucite Tombstone

Mountain-themed Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition TNT Truck Parts, a provider of heavy-duty truck and trailer parts. The company operates out of locations in Missoula, Great Falls, and Kalispell, Montana, as well as Spokane, Washington.

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Lucite Commemorative for NASA Event

Custom Commemorative recognizing support for and participation in NASA’s 3D-printed Habitat Challenge. The competition centered on the design and build a 3D-printed habitat for deep space exploration.

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Custom Lucite recognizing participation in NASA's 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge, a competition to develop and construct a 3D-printed habitat for deep space exploration.

Under Armour Custom Lucite

Custom Lucite commemorating the grand opening of a Baltimore distribution center by Under Armour, the sportswear and casual apparel manufacturer.

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Custom Lucite commemorative celebrating the grand opening by Under Armour of a distribution center located in Baltimore.