Material: Lucite

License Plate-Inspired Financial Tombstone

Lucite financial tombstone commemorating notes issued by GLS Auto Receivables Issuer Trust 2024. GLS (Global Lending Services) is based in Greenville, South Carolina. (24AKL118)

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Side view of license plate-themed deal toy.

Ring Box-Themed Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy celebrating the acquisition of a majority stake in Benzinger. The German company manufactures turning and milling machines for precision parts, and is used in such industries as jewelry, watchmaking, optics, and for dental and medical applications. (24LJW003)

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Top view of lucite financial tombstone marking the acquisition by Syngroh Capital of lathing and milling equipment manufacturer Benzinger. Side view of ring box-themed deal toy.

Hardhat-Inspired Lucite Tombstone

Custom Lucite tombstone, incoporating a construction hardhat, celebrating the launch of Verdian Power. The independent power producer will focus on the design, construciton, and operation of renewable energy plants in Europe. (24LNL038)

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Custom Lucite deal toy commemorating the launch of European power provider Verdian. The company will focus on solar photovoltaic and wind power plants in Europe.

Electrical Contractor Acquisition Tombstone

Lucite tombstone, incorporating a frosted acetate, marking the acquisition of electrical and instrumentation contractor NorCan. (24AKL050)

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License Plate-Themed Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy celebrating a strategic partnership between Canadian asset manager Sagard and HalseyPoint. HalseyPoint is a California-based issuer and manager of collateralized loan obligations (CLO’s). (24ALJ118)

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Side view of financial tombstone marking a strategic alliance between CLO manager HalseyPoint and alternative asset manager Sagard.

Shovel-Themed Groundbreaking Commemorative

Custom commemorative celebrating the groundbreaking for a climate-neutral cement plant. (24LJW025)

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Detached view of commemorative marking the groundbreaking for Holcim's climate-neutral plant in Germany.

Broadway Musical Opening Night Commemorative

Lucite commemorative celebrating opening night of “Water for Elephants”. The musical was adapted from the 2006 novel by Sara Gruen. (24AKL093)

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LSU Women’s Basketball Championship Commemorative

Custom Lucite with embedded Coca-Cola bottle commemorating the 2023 NCAA women’s basketball national championship of the Louisiana State University (LSU). (23ADH001)

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Lucite Commemorative for Pro Bono Work

Law firm Lucite commemorative recognizing 50+ hours of pro bono service by an attorney. (24AKL082)

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Lucite commemorating 50+ hours of pro bono work.