Material: Lucite

Water Jug-Themed Corporate Anniversary Commemorative

Custom Lucite water jug commemorating the 30th anniversary of DrinkMore Water. The water delivery company is headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland. (23AKL472)

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Top view of water jug-inspired corporate anniversary commemorative.

Tire Company Acquisition Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Buffalo, New York-based Dunn Tire by Discount Tire. (23AJH097)

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Brand Mascot-Themed IP Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy commemorating the sale of the patents, trademarks, copyrights, and domains of the Hush Puppies footwear brand in China. The intellectual property deal also includes Hong Kong and Macau. (23AKL399)

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Vial-Themed Drug Royalty Tombstone

Lucite deal tombstone commemorating two related royatly transactions. Both deals involve the diabetes drug TZIELD. (23AKL274)

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Lucite financial tombstone, incorporating drug vials on recesses on a plexi base, commemorating two drug royalty transactions involoving DRI Healthcare.

Danish IT Acquisition Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Danish IT cloud, data consultancy and strategy company Inspari. The firm has a special expertise in Microsoft technologies such as Azure Power Platform. (23LJW106)

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Side view of Lucite financial tombtone marking the acquisition of Denmark-based Inspari. The acquiring firm was Valantic, a digiital consulting and software firm headquartered in Munich, Germany.

Auto Parts-Inspired Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy celebrating a private placement by PARTS iD, an Ecommerce company. PARTS iD sells automotive parts and accessories through its proprietary sites. (R023AKL311)

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Side view of Lucite deal tombstone marking a private placement by online auto parts provider PARTS iD.

Code Name-Themed Enterprise Software Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy, playing off the deal toy code name, commemorating the acquisition by Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, of AOE Group. AOE is a Wiessbaden, Germany-based software developer with an emphasis on bespoke enterprise solutions. (23LJW091)

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Side View of Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition of German software firm AOE Group.

Healthcare Strategic Partnership Deal Tombstone

Lucite deal tombstone, incorporating spinning logos, commemorating a strategic partnership between Sansum Clinic and Sutter Health. The two non-profit heath care systems are based in California. (23ALJ228)

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Lucite tombstone marking heatlh care partnerhship with spinning logos.

KKR Deal Tombstone with Bottle on Scale

Lucite deal tombstone with bottle on weight scale. The tombstone commemorates KKR’s acquisition of Industrial Physics, which manufactures testing and inspection equipment for the plastics, coatings, materials etc. used by manufacturers and laboratories in a number of sectors. (23AKL351)

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