Material: Resin

Satellite-Themed Resin Deal Toy

Project name-inspired resin deal toy celebrating the sale of a stake in CloudFlight. The German IT and software consulting firm offers services including those based on AI and cloud-based technologies, and is headquartered in Munich. (23LJW052)

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Top view of resin deal toy incorporating astronaut. Cloud and astronaut-themed deal tombstone. Back view of astronaut-themed deal toy.

Throne-Themed Resin Deal Toy

Custom resin deal toy marking the purchase of a majority stake in STG Braunsberg, a firm specializing in the construction of fiber-optic networks.

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Resin deal toy commemorating the acquisition of a majority stake in STG Braunsberg, a firm based in Bochum, Germany focused on fibre-optic network construction and maintenance.

Deal Toy with Resin Turtle

Deal Toy with Resin Turtle

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Marble and Resin Deal Toy

Marble and Resin Deal Toy

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Lucite and Resin Deal Toy

Lucite and Resin Deal Toy.

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Plaza Hotel Lucite and Resin Deal Tombstone

Lucite and Resin Deal Tombstone.

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Custom Resin & Wood Deal Toy (Top View)

Custom wood and Lucite deal toy marking the acquisition by cable television firm Comcast of European pay tv firm Sky.

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Roman Galley-Themed Tombstone

Custom resin and wood tombstone celebrating the sale by 21st Century Fox to Comcast of its stake in  the European pay-TV service Sky.

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Custom wood and Lucite deal toy commemorating the sale of a stake in U.K.-based satellite tv broadcaster Sky. Cable firm Comcast acquired the stake from 21st Century Fox.

Green Bond Deal Toy (Back View)

Back view of deal toy marking green bonds issued by the Swiss canton on Geneva.

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Top view of deal toy recognizing green bonds issued by the Swiss canton of Geneva. Lucite tombstone commemorating green bonds issued by the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland.