Found 558 results for Russianrussian-deal-toys-2/

Credit Card Terminal Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy marking an acquisition by ACI Worldwide, a provider of electronic payment and banking systems.

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Custom crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of assets from RevChip and TranSend, developers of terminal payment platforms.

Highway Sign-Themed Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy marking the offering of notes issued by Avis Budget Group. Avis operates over 11,000 car rental locations internationally.

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Custom crystal deal tombstone commemorating an offering of senior notes by Avis Budget Group. In addition to rental outlets, Avis also provides a car sharing network through its Zipcar subsidiary.

Oil Drop-Themed Deal Toy

Oil drop-themed deal toy celebrating a joint venture between Houston-based Alpine Energy Capital and oil and gas exploration firm California Resources Corporation.

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Crystal deal toy commemorating a joint venture between Alpine Energy Capital and California Resources Corporation, the state's largest oil and gas exploration firm.

Map-Themed Crystal Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy recognizing the acquisition by private equity firm Charterhouse of Tarsus, a B2B media firm based in Dublin.

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Crystal deal tombstone, commemorating the acquisition of events and exhibitions firm Tarsus, and incorporating a 3D-etch of a tiger. Tarsus stages 160 events internationally, including the Dubai Airshow.

Food Processing Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating a credit facility provided to Kansas-based Hantover. Hantover is a supplier of industrial equipment to the food processing industry.

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Crystal deal toy celebrating a senior secured credit facility for Hantover. Based in Overland Park, Kansas, Hantover is a distributor of food processing supplies.

School Bus-Themed Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy marking the exit by Mumtalakat Holding Company from an investment in Dubai-based GEMS Education. Mumtalakat is the sovereign wealth fund of Bahrain.

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Custom deal tombstone commemorating the sale of a stake in GEMS Education, which operates 48 schools in the Middle East.

Water Ultrafiltration Deal Tombstone

Custom deal tombstone marking the sale by German chemical firm BASF of its ultrafiltration membrane business to American firm DuPont.

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Custom deal toy commemorating DuPont's acquisition of the ultrafiltration membrane business of BASF. Ultrafiltration technology involves the production of drinking water from surface water, groundwater, and spring water.

Sports Car-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating the sale by Urban Grid of two solar projects.

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Car-themed deal toy marking the sale by Urban Grid to Dominion Energy of two solar projects.

DNA Strand-Themed Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy commemorating several U.S. private placements by Australia-based Sonic Healtcare.

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Lucite deal tombstone marking private placements by Sonic Healthcare. The diagnostic laboratory medicine firm is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.