Found 515 results for financial-restructuring

Bank Acquisition Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of Virgin Money by CYBG, resulting in the UK’s sixth-largest bank.

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Diamond-shaped deal toy marking a deal in the British banking sector in which CYBG acquired Virgin Money.

Martini-Themed Crystal Tombstone

Martini-themed crystal tombstone marking a rights offering by Deutsche Industrie REIT.

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Banking Sector Deal Toy

Logo-themed crystal deal toy marking a capital rights offering by Kuwait-based Burgan Bank.

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Lucite Fund Closing Commemorative

Cylinder-shaped custom Lucite commemorating the close of BroadRiver III fund.

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Lucite tombstone marking the close of BroadRiver III, a life settlement fund.

Game-Themed Custom Lucite

Custom Lucite commemorating a strategic partnership between ZeniMax Media and GAEA Technologies. Under the agreement, GAEA will be the exclusive publisher in China of the strategy card game, The Elder Scrolls: Legends.

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Custom Lucite deal toy marking a strategic agreement involving the publishing of The Elder Scrolls: Legends game in China. Custom Lucite financial tombstone commemorating an agreement for the exclusive distribution in China by GAEA Technologies of The Elder Scrolls: Legends, a free-to-play strategy card game developed by ZeniMax Media.

Asset Management Deal Toy

Custom deal toy marking the acquisition of TMB Asset Management by Eastspring, the Asian asset management business of Prudential.

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Credit Card Processing-Themed Deal Tombstone

Custom deal tombstone marking the sale to Nordea of Gjensidige Bank.

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Credit card-themed deal toy marking the sale of Norway's Gjensidige Bank. ((9LJW040)

Flag-Themed Crystal Deal Tombstone

Custom crystal tombstone, incorporating the flag of South Africa, commemorating the acquisition of a minority stake in Hollard. Hollard is a Johannesburg-based property and casualty insurer.

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Solar Shingles-Themed Lucite Tombstone

Custom Lucite tombstone commemorating a registered offering of stock and warrants by Real Goods Solar. RGS manufactures in-roof solar shingles.

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Financial tombstone marking an offering of stock and warrants by solar panel manufacturer RGS.