Shape: Pyramid

Map-Themed Solar Power Deal Toy

Map-themed deal toy marking the acquisition of a solar plant in Spain’s Murcia region.

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Pyramid-shaped Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition by Northleaf Capital Partners of a PV plant in Mula, in Spain's Murcia region.

Pyramid-Shaped Deal Toy

Pyramid-shaped deal toy commemorating convertible notes issued by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, based in San Diego. Goldman Sachs and Barclays acted as Joint Book-Running Managers for the issue.

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SoftBank Pyramid-Shaped Deal Toy (Top View)

Pyramid-shaped deal toy commemorating senior notes issued by SoftBank, headquartered in Tokyo.

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Crystal deal toy, featuring 3D laser etching, marking senior notes issued by Tokyo-based SoftBank.

Pyramid-Shaped Crystal Deal Toy

Pyramid-shaped crystal deal toy, featuring a 3-D etched logo, marking the issue of warrants by GNI Group. GNI is a Japanese biotech firm.

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Lucite Pyramid with Embedded Oil Pipeline

Lucite pyramid with embedded oil pipeline.

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Ing Pyramid Deal Gift, London

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Spin Pyramid Pharma Recognition Product

Pyramid shaped recognition product made for Pharma.

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Credit Suisse Dealtoy Pyramid

A Credit Suisse Pyramid Dealtoy displaying the values and principles of the leading financial services company who adviseĀ  clients in all aspects of finance.

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Bayer Lucite Tombstone Pyramid

Pyramid shaped Lucite tombstone made for Bayer.

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