Technique: Frosted Acetate

Components Manufacturer Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy commemorating the sale of Precision Machining Group. PMG specializes in manufacturing of components in verticals such as fluid power, material handling, oil & gas, and industrial. (23AZH087)

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Side view of Lucite deal tombstone showcasing the use of frosted text.

Florida Residential Community Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy celebrating the sale by CBRE of the Helix at Lake Mary. The 300-unit apartment complex is located in Orlando. (22AZH251)

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Back view of crystal tombstone marking the sale of an Orlando residential compleix.

Logo-Inspired Lucite Years-of-Service Award (Side View)

Side view of custom Lucite years-of-service award designed for software company MobileIron.

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Logo-Themed Lucite Years-of-Service Award

Logo-themed custom Lucite recognizing years of service at California-based software company MobileIron.

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Debt Refinancing Lucite Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy commemorating the funding of Hollywood Circle, a mixed-use development in Hollywood, Florida.

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Wedge-shaped Lucite deal toy marking the refinancing of Florida-based mixed-use development Hollywood Circle.

UK-US Flag-Themed Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy, incorporating the British and American flags, celebrating an acquisition by Screen Engine/ASI. The Los Angeles-based firm acquired London-based market research agency Tapestry.

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Lucite deal toy, featuring the flags of Great Britain and the United States, commemorating the acquisition of market research firm Tapestry by Los Angeles-based Screen Engine/ASI. Tapestry provides multi-platform campaign evaluation, market segmentation, and audience research.

Forklift-Themed Deal Tombstone

Forklift-themed deal tombstone celebrating the initial public offering (IPO) of Silk Logistics. The Melbourne-based company provides port logistics, warehousing, and distribution services.

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Top view of forklift-themed deal toy celebrating the debut on the Australian Securities Exchange of Silk Logistics. The company provides freight, cargo, and warehouse services.

ISP Two-Transaction Deal Toy

Prism-shaped Lucite deal toy celebrating two transactions involving Wifinity. In one transaction, the UK-based wireless ISP received a senior secured loan; in the other, it acquired PCCW Global Networks (UK), which operates under the two broadband ISP brands Mediaforce and Optify.

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