Wood and Lucite Deal Toy
Lucite deal tombstone commemorating the sale of a stake in Spanish solar developer X-Elio.
(20Lw018)Lucite deal toy commemorating several U.S. private placements by Australia-based Sonic Healtcare.
(9AJH188)Custom Lucite commemorating the acquisition of Igenomix, a Spanish provider of genetic testing services for reproductive health patients.
(9LSS177)Custom Lucite celebrating the closing of Prospect Hill Growth Fund II. The fund’s focus is consumer and healthcare growth companies.
(9LJW155)Swiss army knife-themed deal tombstone marking an issue of Swiss domestic bonds.
(9LJW148)Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition by LexisNexis Risk Solutions of Lumen, a product line of Numerica. Lumen is a public safety and law enforcement data platform.
(9ACJ116)Treadmill-themed deal toy recognizing a growth recapitalization by Great Point Partners of Spine & Sport Physical Therapy. Spine & Sport provides physical therapy and rehabilitation services through 16 outpatient clinics in the San Diego area.
(9AMF013)Map-themed deal toy celebrating the closing of the Meridiam Infrastructure Africa Fund.