Technique: Resin Designs

Stadium-Themed Custom Resin Deal Toy

Stadium-themed custom resin deal toy marking the incorporation of Elektro into Neoenergia, resulting in the largest electric utility in Brazil.

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Resource Resin Deal Toy

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Braskem Resin Deal Toy

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Credit Card Swipe Resin Tombstone

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BAML Venoco Pewter and Resin Deal Toy

Pewter and resin deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Denver-based Venoco, Inc., an oil and gas exploration and production company. Bank of America Merrill Lynch served as finanical advisor to Venoco’s Board of Directors in the transaction.

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Buhrman Spinning Elements Technique Resin Deal Toy

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Frosted Technique Resin Deal Toy

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Pewter and Resin Seawell Custom Tombstone

Pewter and resin tombstone marking the acquisition of Allis Chalmers Energy by Seawell.

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