Custom credit card-themed crystal award given by Visa’s board of directors.
(8ALJ613)Custom credit card-themed crystal award given by Visa’s board of directors.
(8ALJ613)Custom crystal tombstone marking the merger between BancorpSouth Bank and its wholly owned subsidiary, Jackson, Alabama-based Merchants Bank.
(9AKL215)Atlas statue-themed crystal deal toy commemorating a loan related to the sale of a portfolio of non-performing loans by Piraeus Bank of Greece. The portfolio was acquired by Bain Capital.
(8LJW271)Deal tombstone marking the acquisition by Generali of Slovenian insurance company Adriatic Slovenica.
(9LSS029)Custom crystal tombstone, incorporating the flag of South Africa, commemorating the acquisition of a minority stake in Hollard. Hollard is a Johannesburg-based property and casualty insurer.
(8AJH240)Custom deal tombstone marking the sale to Nordea of Gjensidige Bank.
(9LJW040)Custom deal toy marking the acquisition of TMB Asset Management by Eastspring, the Asian asset management business of Prudential.
(8AMF413)Cylinder-shaped custom Lucite commemorating the close of BroadRiver III fund.