Category: Financial

Russian Map-Themed Custom Lucite

Map-themed Lucite commemorating the sale by British insurer RSA of its Russian operations. The acquiring firm is Moscow-based pension fund Blagosostoyanie.

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Business Information Company Deal Tombstone

Lucite deal tombstone marking the acquisition of business information company Burgel. The acquiring firm was Bologna-based CRIF.

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Fund Closing Real Estate Tombstone

Lucite tombstone commemorating the closing of a real estate-focused fund by BLG Capital. BLG is based in Istanbul, Turkey. 

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Senior Notes Deal Tombstone

Custom deal toy commemorating the issue of senior notes by Goodyear Tire & Rubber’s European subsidiary, Goodyear Dunlop Tires Europe.

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Payment Processing Deal Tombstone

Deal tombstone marking financing for the acquisition of Billhighway, a  payment processing software firm. Billhighway specifically focuses on payment processing for associations and non-profits.

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Community Bank Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating the acquisition of American Enterprise Bank of Florida. The Jacksonville-based community bank was purchased by Fidelity Southern Corporation, headquartered in Atlanta.

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Private Equity Firm Launch Commemorative

Custom commemorative marking the launch of Proterra Investment Partners. The firm a spinoff from Cargill’s Black River Asset Management, and had approximately $2.1 billion under management at its inception.

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Envelope-Themed Deal Toy

Envelope-themed deal toy marking the acquisition of German debt and receivables collection group GKFL.

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Envelope-themed deal tombstone commemorating the acquisition of German debt and receivables collection group GKFL.

Mandate Award Commemorative

Lucite commemorative marking the award by APG Investments to BNY Mellon of a mandate to provide securities servicing for derivatives and other complex products.

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