Mineral embedment for acrylic commemorative designed for Altan Rio Minerals. The gold and copper exploration company is based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Mineral embedment for acrylic commemorative designed for Altan Rio Minerals. The gold and copper exploration company is based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Custom acrylic deal commemorative featuring an embedded vial of water and a miniature pewter faucet.
Acrylic shipping industry commemorative with embedded pewter tanker.
Acrylic deal commemorative featuring embedded pewter satellite.
Lucite tombstone recognizing a settlement involving disabled worker benefits. The LTD claimants were represented by the firm of Elliott Greenleaf.
Custom Lucite Commemorative marking the sales and lease back of a portfolio of hotels and retail liquor outlets. The transaction included properties in Victoria, Queensland, and both Western Australia and South Australia.
(4SSC563)Lucite commemorative commemorating a series of deals engaged in by New York-based media measurement and market research firm Nielsen. Nielsen was advised in these transactions by the law firm Robinson & Cole.