Category: Lucite & Acrylic Commemoratives

Acrylic Commemorative with Embedded Mineral

Mineral embedment for acrylic commemorative designed for Altan Rio Minerals.  The gold and copper exploration company is based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

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Custom Acrylic with Embedded Water Vial and Pewter Faucet

Custom acrylic deal commemorative featuring an embedded vial of water and a miniature pewter faucet.

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Custom Acrylic for Shipping Industry with Embedded Vessel

Acrylic shipping industry commemorative with embedded pewter tanker.

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Custom Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Satellite

Acrylic deal commemorative featuring embedded pewter satellite.

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Legal Settlement Commemorative Acrylic

Lucite tombstone recognizing a settlement involving disabled worker benefits. The LTD claimants were represented by the firm of Elliott Greenleaf.

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Beer Tap Custom Lucite Commemorative

Custom Lucite Commemorative marking the sales and lease back of a portfolio of hotels and retail liquor outlets. The transaction included properties in Victoria, Queensland, and both Western Australia and South Australia.

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Nielsen Lucite Commemorative

Lucite commemorative commemorating a series of deals engaged in by New York-based media measurement and market research firm Nielsen. Nielsen was advised in these transactions by the law firm Robinson & Cole.

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Supreme Court Decision Lucite Commemorative

Lucite commemorative celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the landmark case of United States vs. Windsor.

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Home Depot/Razor-Back Custom Lucite Commemorative

Custom Lucite commemorative for Home Depot and Razor-Back. Home Depot is headquartered in Atlanta. Razor-Back is a provider of landscaping and production tools.

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