Category: Mobile Communications and Services

Taxi Deal Toy with Miniature Cars

Lucite deal toy, with miniature toy cars, marking the acquisition of A2B, an Australian taxi network, and also a provider of technology for the personal transport industry. The Australian Securities Exchange-listed company includes the taxi service brand 13cabs, and also the Cabcharge digital payment service. (24ALJ159)

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Danish Mobile Network Financial Tombstone

Custom financial tombstone, incorporating a crystal phone, marking the sale of the Danish business of Swedish telecom company Telia. The acquiring firm was fibre broadband and electricity company Norlys. (24LNL173)

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Martini-Themed Fintech Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy commemorating Project “Martini”, a strategic investment in Athena Home Loans. Australia-based Athena is a digital non-bank lender. (24ALJ314)

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Side view of martini-themed deal tombstone marking a strategic investment by Australian online property advertising business REA Group in Athena.

Game Console-Themed Custom Award

Custom Lucite award styled after a game console. (24ALJ286)

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Side view of game console-themed custom Lucite award.

Mobile App Deal Tombstone

Crystal, iPhone-themed deal tombstone celebrating the acquisition of Aloompa. Aloompa is a Nashville-based mobile app provider for live events such as concerts and sporting events. (24AKL197)

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Back view of iPhone-inspired deal toy marking the acquisition of Aloompa, a developer of live event software. Side view of IPhone-themed deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Aloompa, which provides a customizable mobile app for live events.

Social Media Platform Deal Toy

Logo-themed crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of influencer marketing platform Tagger. The acquirer was Sprout Social, a social media analytics and management provider. (23ALJ212)

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Auto Parts-Inspired Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy celebrating a private placement by PARTS iD, an Ecommerce company. PARTS iD sells automotive parts and accessories through its proprietary sites. (R023AKL311)

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Side view of Lucite deal tombstone marking a private placement by online auto parts provider PARTS iD.

Cloud-Shaped Deal Tombstone

Cloud-shaped deal tombstone marking the acquisition of Denmark-based Flexfone. The company provides cloud and telephony services to B2B customers. (23LJW060)

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Side view of cloud-shaped deal tombstone. Back view of cloud-shaped deal tombstone.

Circuit Board-Themed Crystal Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of the cellular IoT (Internet of Things) unit of French aerospace and defense company Thales. The transaction includes the unit’s product line of modules, gateways, data (modem) cards. (23LJW006)

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Back view of circuit board-themed deal tombstone.