Found 3 results for vessels

Danaos Custom Dealtoy

Custom dealtoy celebrating financing of new vessels for Danaos, a container shipping company headquartered in Athens, Greece. Danaos was advised by Evercore Partners.

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Compass-Themed Deal Tombstone

Compass-themed deal tombstone recognizing the formation of a fund specializing in the acquisition of dry bulk vessels.

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Communications Device Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of Brandywine Communications, a producer of precision time and frequency products. These products are used in conjunction with satellite hubs, naval vessels, and military aircraft.

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Custom crystal tombstone marking the acquisition of Brandywine Communications, a manufacturer of precision defense and aerospace time and frequency devices. The acquirers were Los Angeles-based private equity firm Cache Creek Industries, and Rockmont Capital Partners, an investment investment firm located in Denver.