Material: Crystal

Medical Device Private Placement Tombstone

Logo-themed financial tombstone commemorating a private placement by enVVeno Medical. The medical device company specializes in tissue-based treatment for venous (vein-related) diseases. (23AKL446)

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Romanian Bond Issue Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating bonds issued by CEC Bank, based in Bucharest, Romania. (23LNL111)

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Eyeball-Themed Crystal Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy marking a debt facility provided for Ocular Therapeutix. The biopharpharmaceutical commpany specializes in the treatment of diseases of the eye, using bioresorbable hydrogel-based technology. (23AJH088)

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Pike’s Peak-Themed Deal Toy

Mountain-themed wood and crystal deal toy celebrating the issue of asset-backed bonds secured by auto loan receivables. The bonds were issued by Colorado Springs-based Ent Credit Union. (23ALJ269)

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Hospital Building-Themed Green Bond Tombstone

Financial tombstone, featuring a hospital building replica in crystal, celebrating the successful placment of “green” bonds by the Insel Group. The hospital network is based in Switzerland. (23LNL167)

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Side view of custom crystal hospital building replica.

Crystal Client Appreciation/Partnership Gift

Crystal client appreciation gift presented by Commerce Bank. (23AKL464)

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%0-year client appreciation/partnership custom crystal.

Custom Crystal for Solar Facility Opening

Custom crystal commemorating the ribbon-cutting and opening for Daggett Solar and Storage. The San Bernardino County, California site is one of the largest operating solar and storage hybrid facillities in the United States. (23AKL422)

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Logo-Themed MedTech Offering Tombstone

Crystal financial tombstone commemorating a follow-on offering of stock by Intelligent Bio Solutions. The New York-based life sciences company develops non-invasive monitoring and diagnostic tests. (23AKL447)

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Wealth Management Deal Tombstone

Crystal deal tombstone marking a minority investment in MONECO Advisors. Moneco is a registered investment advisor (RIA) based in Fairfield, Connecticut. (23AKL357)

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