Category: Cross-Border and International

Pagoda-Themed Deal Toy

Code name-themed crystal deal toy commemorating an investment in a portfolio of non-performing Spanish mortgages. (24LNL078)

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Side view of pagoda-themed deal tombstone.

Healthcare and Technology Fund Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy celebrating the successful close of a buyout fund focused on the healthcare and technology sectors. The fund was raised by Kester Capital, a London-based private equity firm specializing in the lower mid-market. (24LJW019)

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Ring Box-Themed Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy celebrating the acquisition of a majority stake in Benzinger. The German company manufactures turning and milling machines for precision parts, and is used in such industries as jewelry, watchmaking, optics, and for dental and medical applications. (24LJW003)

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Top view of lucite financial tombstone marking the acquisition by Syngroh Capital of lathing and milling equipment manufacturer Benzinger. Side view of ring box-themed deal toy.

Yubico Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating the merger of Yubico with ACQ Bure AB, and the company’s listing on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The provider of hardware-based authentication security keys is based in Sweden. (23ALJ235)

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Side view of crystal deal toy celebrating the listing of security keys provider Yubico on Stockholm's Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

Data Center-Themed Financial Tombstone

Crystal financial tombstone marking the acquisition of Danish data centre colocation company Fuzion. The acquirer, CapMan Nordic Infrastructure II Fund, invests in transportation, sustainable energy, and telecommunications networks in the Nordic region. (23LJW112)

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Top view of financial tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Fuzion, which operates four data centers in the Jutland region of Denmark.

Aston Villa Football Custom Crystal

Custom crystal commemorating the 2023 season of Aston Villa Football Club. The team competes in England’s elite football (soccer) Premier League. (23AKL222)

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Sim Racing-Themed Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy marking a rights issue and listing on the Copenhagen Nasdaq exchange by Asetek. The Danish computer company produces a simulated racing steering wheel. (23LJW065)

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Champagne Bottle-Themed Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy, incorporating a champagne bottle and flute design, commmemoaring the sale of Australian wine brand House of Arras. The sale to Hanpicked Wines included vineyards and the Bay of Fires winery in Tasmania. (23ALJ254)

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Hardhat-Themed Construction Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy, incorporating a harhat and a service van, commemorating the acquisition of TBD Technische Bau Dienstleistungen. Headquartered in Friedeburg, Northern Germany, TBD provides technical and construction services for critical infrastracture. (23LJW109)

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Side view of Lucite deal toy with hardhat and service van. Top view of hardhat and service van deal toy.