Custom Lucite presented at the GS1 US Apparel and General Merchandise Retail Industry Achievement Awards. These awards recognize innovation in the retail supply chain.
(5ARD524)Custom Lucite presented at the GS1 US Apparel and General Merchandise Retail Industry Achievement Awards. These awards recognize innovation in the retail supply chain.
(5ARD524)Leather boots-themed deal tombstone recognizing notes issued by Powerco. The New Zealand utility is the country’s second-largest gas and largest electricity distributor.
(6SSC921)Nail polish bottle-themed Lucite marking the recapitalization of Cosmetic Design Group. Headquartered in Culver City, California, CDG specializes in the custom design of beauty products.
(5AJL575)Closed view of commemorative styled after a make-up compact. The custom Lucite commemorates a lease signing in El Segundo, California by NYX Cosmetics, the parent of L’Oreal.
(5AEK784)Lucite tombstone commemorating acquisition involving Malaysian clothing retail chain F.O.S. Apparel Group.
(5HST569)Financial tombstone marking the acquisition of German retailer EMP. Specializing in music and entertainment-inspired apparel and accessories, EMP has operations in 17 countries including Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
(5LJWA13)Custom tombstone marking the divestment of U.S. right to Doryx by Actavis. Actavis is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.