Cell tower-themed Lucite marking a joint venture between Altel and TELE2 Kazakhstan, resulting in the third largest mobile company in Kazakhstan.
(6LJWC18)Cell tower-themed Lucite marking a joint venture between Altel and TELE2 Kazakhstan, resulting in the third largest mobile company in Kazakhstan.
(6LJWC18)iPhone-themed Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition of a stake in Irish telecom group Eir. The purchaser, GIC, is the sovereign wealth fund of Singapore.
(6AKLB83)Custom deal toy marking the sale of Swedish ecommerce site Inkclub by ICA.
(6LJWD62)Map-themed deal tombstone recognizing the investment by IGM Financial in Personal Capital. Redwood City, California-based Personal Capital is an online wealth management platform.
Satellite dish-themed deal toy commemorating the sale of Singapore satellite communications firm ST Teleport.
(6AGP864)Mobile gaming tombstone marking a private placement by Hong Kong-based Animoca Brands. The mobile game developer is a spin-off of app business Animoca.
(6ALJA85)iPad-themed deal tombstone commemorating the acquisition of a stake in by Die Mobiliar of Scout24 Schweiz. Scout24 Schweiz is a Swiss online provider of marketplaces for automobiles, real estate, and general classifieds.