Category: Product Embedments and Displays

Acrylic Embedment with Automotive Sparkplug

Automobile-themed custom acrylic incorporating embedment of actual sparkplug.

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Custom Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Automobile

Automotive-themed custom acrylic with embedded pewter car.

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Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Airplane

Acrylic wedge with embedded pewter airplanes that commemorates a loan facility in the aviation industry.

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Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Automobile

Acrylic wedge with embedded pewter car designed for UniFin, a Mexican leasing company.

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Custom Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Satellite

Acrylic deal commemorative featuring embedded pewter satellite.

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Acrylic Embedment with Product Samples

Acrylic rectangle showcasing Silicon carbide diodes and other power devices produced by Monolith Semiconductor. The firm is based in Ithaca, New York.

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Acrylic Embedment with Test Tubes

Acrylic embedment / deal commemorative in the biotech sector incorporating embedded test tubes.

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Acrylic Embedment with Pewter Molecules

Acrylic cube featuring an embedded pewter molecule. The design commemorated a transaction involving a resins business between Johnson Polymer and BASF.

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Acrylic Embedment with Watch Component

Acrylic embedment commemorative designed for SwissTech featuring an embedded watch component.

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