5 Ideas for “Green” and Sustainability-Themed Deal Toys

Sustainability isn’t exactly a new focus, either for financial transactions themselves or for the deal toys that commemorate them. After all, sustainability has been a corporate tenet for decades now, and become the centerpiece of any number of prominent funds in the ESG space.
Not surprisingly, deal toys based on the financing and development of alternative energy sources, for instance, are pretty commonplace.
Over the years we’ve commemorated alternative energy transactions based not only in a number of U.S. states, but also in countries such as Poland, Spain, England, Finland, Norway, Australia, Germany, and Korea.

Wood commemorative celebrating financing provided for the development of Bakers Place by the Neutral Project. The Madison, Wisconsin housing development has prioritized sustainability in its design, construction, and eventual operation.
You’ve undoubtedly already seen a number of tombstones similar to these. Their designs tend to play off wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles, and less conspicuously, other sources such as hydrogen fuel cells, and geothermal energy.
What’s often overlooked among these recurring designs though is the variety of ways that sustainability and renewability themes an be made the focus of deal toys.
The sustainability theme can be showcased through any number of deal elements, such as the type of transaction, the resources and products involved, the subject company or organization, as well as any relevant alternative technologies.
We’ve put together below some ideas on the different ways sustainability themes can be highlighted in financial tombstone designs. These designs also reflect a range of both materials and price points.
Sustainability-Themed Deal Toys Based on Transaction Type
Green bonds have been the most notable environmentally-focused financial instruments. Since their debut in 2007, the cumulative issuance of green bonds surpassed USD 2 trillion by 2020, and currently stands at approximately 2.2 trillion. Additionally, green debt instruments have originated from a total of 67 nations..
The proceeds of these bonds are earmarked for a variety of initiatives, including sustainable infrastructure, pollution control and mitigation, and energy efficiency.
As you might expect, the color green tends to figure prominently in many of these designs, such as in this Lucite and resin tombstone commemorating a Swiss green bond issue.
As you might also expect, panoramas featuring blue skies, flowers, and greenery are also recurring motifs.
But the “green” theme can also be incorporated far less obviously.
In past posts, for instance, we’ve recommended code names as a source of deal toy design ideas. This was done in the case of the crystal design below, commemorating the acquisition of a Danish electricity supplier. The design pays tribute to the company’s environmental commitment indirectly, via the deal’s code name: “Project Mojito”.
The mojito design plays off the project name. It also pays tribute to the green practices of the company at the center of the transaction.
Highlighting Resources in Sustainability Deal Toy Designs
Sustainability can also be worked in fairly directly through the particular resource or resources involved.
The crystal wood section below is a straightforward example. It celebrates the launch of a fund devoted to sustainable forestry.
The fund recognized here is focused on sustainable forestry.
Showcasing the Company or Organization
Green bonds are obviously not the only environmentally-linked financial instruments.
The tombstone below, for example, recognizes a C-PACE financing. C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) is a state-level in initiative providing long-term, low-cost loans for energy-efficient upgrades to existing buildings, and also fostering sustainability features in new construction.
This design draws its inspiration from the recipient of this C-PACE loan: a Florida-based resort.
C-PACE program financing targets energy efficient initiatives and upgrades.
Sustainable Products or Services as a Design Source
In the Lucite deal toy below, the product is the centerpiece. The acquired company specializes in sustainable food and beverage packaging.
The commemorative design here showcases the company’s commitment to sustainable food and beverage packaging.
Another example is a design featured below, marking an acquisition in the IT space, and highlighting the energy-efficient measures of the two German data centers involved in the transaction. The tombstone design features a server that has seemingly sprouted from a patch of grass.
A design highlighting the sustainability focus of two German data centers.
Alternative Energy Technologies
Again, chances are that you’ve already seen a number of deal toys based on alternative energy sources.
But what you may not fully appreciate is the range of design options within any of these particular sources.
You’ve most likely seen any number of deal toys, for instance, involving solar energy, with the vast majority of these in the shape of solar panel.
Another possible design option here is a Lucite embedment incorporating a section of a solar panel; in other words, the design would feature the actual solar panel used by you or your client.
This kind of highly customized commemorative tends to have tremendous perceived value among recipients—for the very reason that it is unique. It is also one our clients have chosen not only for transactions related to solar, but also for non-financial milestones, such as the opening of, or groundbreaking for, a new solar facility.
Deal Toys at The Corporate Presence
The Corporate Presence can provide you with a full range of tombstone design options, not only for celebrating sustainability-themed transactions, but for any other deal or milestone you need to commemorate. We have over 40 years of experience providing commemoratives in a variety of materials, and at a number of price points. Get the creative process started. Reach out to us today.
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