Technique: Laser Etching

Sphere-Shaped Deal Toy with Etched World Map

Crystal sphere-shaped deal toy celebrating a minority investment in Globalization Partners. Headquartered in Boston, the firm provides human resources (HR) and staffing services globally.

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Crystal deal toy commemorating a minority investment in Globalization Partners, an international HR and staffing firm.

Circle-Shaped Lucite Tombstone

Lucite tombstone marking acquisition by Building Material Distributors, an employee-owned firm based in Galt, California.

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Lucite deal toy marking an acquisition by California-based Building Material Distributors.

Equity Raise Financial Tombstone

Crystal financial tombstone marking an equity raise, and private placement, by Panorama Resources. The Western Australia mining firm owns the Savannah copper, cobalt, and nickel mine, and is listed on the ASX.

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Crystal Asia Fund Closing Commemorative

Crystal commemorative marking the successful close of the Phoenix Asia Real Estate VI fund.

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Vodafone New Zealand Deal Tombstone

Crystal deal tombstone marking the sale of Vodafone New Zealand, New Zealand’s largest mobile company. The acquirers were Infratil, a New Zealand-based investment company, and Brookfield Asset Management, a Canadian firm.

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Gene Therapeutics Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Philadelphia-based Spark Therapeutics. The acquiring firm, Swiss pharmaceutical firm Roche, is headquartered in Basel.

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Office Supply Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating the sale of the French, Italian, and Spanish operations of Staples Solutions. The office supply retail chain is headquartered in Boston.

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Office Tower Crystal Tombstone

Crystal deal tombstone marking the sale of Union Dallas,  a 21-story office building located north of the city’s downtown area.

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Crystal deal toy celebrating the sale of Union Dallas, a retail and office development located in Dallas, Texas. Custom crystal deal toy marking the sale of Union Dallas, a commercial complex located north of the city downtown area.

Fund Closing Lucite Tombstone

Custom Lucite tombstone celebrating the closing of a software-focused fund by Boston-based venture capital firm Elephant Partners.

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