Category: Energy and Resources

Timber-Themed Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of wood assets of Bergvik Skog, a Swedish forest holding company.

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Financial tombstone, playing off a crown-themed logo, commemorating a purchase of forest land.

Oil Drop-Themed Deal Toy

Oil drop-themed deal toy celebrating a joint venture between Houston-based Alpine Energy Capital and oil and gas exploration firm California Resources Corporation.

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Crystal deal toy commemorating a joint venture between Alpine Energy Capital and California Resources Corporation, the state's largest oil and gas exploration firm.

Marine-Themed Oil Service Tombstone

Crystal tombstone, featuring 3D etching, celebrating the purchase of the marine seismic acquisition of oil field services firm Schlumberger.

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Oil Pumpjack-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Permian mineral interests by Tulsa-based Alliance Resource Partners.

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Oil derrick-themed tombstone marking the acquisition of oil and gas mineral interests in the Permian Basin.

Cricket-Themed Financial Tombstone

Cricket-themed financial tombstone marking the acquisition of Australian lithium producer Kidman Resources.

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Crystal Mining-Themed Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy celebrating the restructuring of Nyrstar, a mining and smelting business operating in Europe, Australia, and North and South America.

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Custom financial tombstone recognizing the restructuring of Nyrstar, a global zinc and lead mining and smelting business.

Africa-Themed Crystal Tombstone

Custom crystal tombstone, featuring a laser-etched map of Africa, commemorating the purchase of an offshore license by Russian oil and gas company Lukoil. The license is located offshore the Republic of Congo .

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Lucite Tombstone for Green Bond Issue

Custom Lucite tombstone celebrating an inaugural green bond issue by the East Bay Municipal Utility District (California). Proceeds of the issue will finance improvements aimed at safeguarding the district’s water supply, and conservation and other environmental initiatives.

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Custom Acrylic Groundbreaking Commemorative

Custom acrylic commemorating groundbreaking on an upgraded wastewater treatment facility for San Mateo and Foster City, California.

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Wedge-shaped Lucite celebrating groundbreaking on an upgrade of San Mateo and Foster City's wastewater treatment plant.