Lucite tombstone marking ground lease revenue bonds issued by the University of Washington.
(7ADL056)Lucite tombstone marking ground lease revenue bonds issued by the University of Washington.
(7ADL056)Lucite tombstone celebrating the initial public offering on the New Zealand bourse of real estate firm Investore.
(6AKLC67)Custom tombstone marking the acquisition of the real estate financing activities of RNHB Hypotheekbank, based in the Netherlands.
(6LJWF27)Lucite tombstone celebrating the arrangement of a construction loan for the future global headquarters of McDonald’s, to be located in Chicago’s Fulton Market District.
(7ADL139)Lucite tombstone marking the sale of the 578-unit New Fountains apartment complex, located in the Madison, Wisconsin suburb of Fichburg.
(7AKL259)Lucite deal toy marking the acquisition of Kunversion and Inside Real Estate by NexPhase Capital. The two firms provide software used by real estate brokers and agents.
(7ALR723)Custom Lucite commemorating the issuance of bonds for the Patricia and Philip Frost Museum of Science in Miami. The proceeds will be applied to construction of several additions, including a planetarium and aquarium.