Euro-themed deal toy commemorating Euro-denominated notes issued by Latin American development bank CAF.
(6LACB05)Spinning elements can result in a visually captivating deal toy or award, and one that is certain to attract attention and interest. A great way to showcase a logo or other design element.
Euro-themed deal toy commemorating Euro-denominated notes issued by Latin American development bank CAF.
(6LACB05)Deal toy with spinning globe commemorating a loan involving TAV Airport’s operation at Turkey’s Milas-Bodrum Airport.
(6LMTA30)Custom Lucite commemorating the sale by Spanish power company Iberdrola of the telecommunications wholesale services of Vinzeo. Vinzeo’s products include telecommunications, computer hardware, and consumer electronics.
(5LJW894)Lucite deal toy commemorating a bank loan and two bond offerings involving Origin Energy. Headquartered in Sydney, Origin is Australia’s largest electricity retailer.