Custom crystal deal toy commemorating the issue of revenue bonds to finance a stadium for the Columbus Crew.
(9AKL673)Custom crystal deal toy commemorating the issue of revenue bonds to finance a stadium for the Columbus Crew.
(9AKL673)Custom crystal, incorporating a 3D laser etching, commemorating the restructuring of a Luxembourg-based provider of industrial heat exchangers.
(9LJW232)Rectangular Lucite deal toy commemorating the sale of Specified Fittings. The firm produces and distributes polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe fittings.
(9ACJ310)Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition of Houston-based Van London, which provides analytical sensors for a variety of industrial applications.
(9AKL686)Custom crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Versatile Processing Group. The metal recycling firm is based in Dallas, Texas. .
(9AKL642)Lucite financial tombstone marking the purchase of Mexican chemical company Órgano Síntesis. The acquiring firm, Pilot Chemical, is based in Cincinnati, Ohio.
(20ACJ012)Crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Porenbetonwerk Lasussnitz. Located in Dresden, Germany, the firm produces aerated concrete, a building material used in both residential and industrial construction.
(9LJW315)Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition of Florida-based American Builders Supply.
(9ALJ473)Crystal deal toy commemorating a credit facility provided to Kansas-based Hantover. Hantover is a supplier of industrial equipment to the food processing industry.