Lucite tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Underground Solutions by Aegion Corporation. Headquartered in Poway, California, Underground Solutions produces PVC products used in repairing water, sewer, and other conduit pipelines.
(6AHH920)Lucite tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Underground Solutions by Aegion Corporation. Headquartered in Poway, California, Underground Solutions produces PVC products used in repairing water, sewer, and other conduit pipelines.
(6AHH920)Custom Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition by Charlesbank Capital Partners of Plaskolite. Based in Columbus, Ohio, Plaskolite manufactures acrylic sheet products.
(6AKL745)Custom commemorative marking a legal decision involving a manufacturer of carbon steel pipes.
(6AKL848)Deal tombstone marking the acquisition by Generac of Vermont-based Country Home Products. Country Home Products manufactures engine-powered equipment for use in property maintenance.
(6AKL736)Custom deal tombstone marking the acquisition of emergency and exit lighting manufacturer Best Lighting Products. Best Lighting is based in Pataskala, Ohio.
Lucite tombstone celebrating the initial public offering by McCarthy & Stone, a developer of managed retirement properties. The U.K. firm is headquartered in Bournemouth.
(6LJWB27)Lucite deal toy commemorating a credit facility for Source Refrigeration & HVAC. The firm provides refrigeration and HVAC services to supermarkets, and commercial and industrial clients throughout North America.