Custom tombstone commemorating notes issued by IBM.
Custom Lucite marking the recapitalization of Reconstruction Experts Inc. The Arvada, Colorado-based firm specializes in property reconstruction, remodeling, and repair.
Custom Lucite recognizing a currency swap for Johnson Electric. The Hong Kong-based firm specializes in motion systems for automotive and industrial applications.
(5HJC678)Cross-border deal toy involving Alcoa’s sale of a rod mill in Quebec. The mill was originally part of Alcoa’s acquisition in 2000 of Reynolds Metals Company.
(5ALR519)Custom tombstone marking the recapitalization of AHT Cooling. Headquartered in Rottenmann, Austria, AHT is a refrigeration manufacturer.
(HLJW623)Custom Lucite celebrating a term loan for Spensa Development Group. Spensa is a real estate developer and operator based in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Job: 4ASS01N
Custom lucite recognizing the purchase of Mold-Masters by Milcaron, headquartered in Cincinnati. Toronto-based Mold-Masters is a provider of plastics injection molding technology.
Lucite tombstone recognizing senior notes issued by USG. The Chicago-based corporation is a manufacturer and distributor of building materials.