Custom deal toy commemorating a strategic agreement between Starbucks and Alibaba.
(7AJH327)Custom deal toy commemorating a strategic agreement between Starbucks and Alibaba.
(7AJH327)Kiosk-themed deal toy commemorating a round of funding for KeyMe. KeyMe provides a secure, cloud-based system for storing and retrieving keys via kiosks.
(7ADL096)Price tag-themed Lucite tombstone commemorating the sale of online marketplace RangeMe. The Sydney, Australia-based firm connects retail firms with product and suppliers on-demand.
(7ALJ500)Crystal commemorative marking the debut on the London stock market of price comparison site GoCompare.
(7LJW142)Crystal deal tombstone recognizing the acquisition of Swedish service provider
(7LAC123)Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition of healthcare advocacy firm Patient Care, headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The acquiring firm, DirectPath, is based in Birmingham, Alabama.
(7ALR831)Retail storefront-themed tombstone marking the successful bid filed by American Apparel in bankruptcy court for the sale of a lease. The leased property is located in Nashville, Tennessee.