Category: Energy and Resources

Solar Plant Groundbreaking Commemorative

Custom crystal commemorative celebrating the beginning of construction of the Michael C. Whiteside Solar Electric Plant. The facility will be located in Heard County, Georgia.

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Water Drop-Themed Crystal Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy celebrating the closing of the Sweetwater Secondaries Fund II. The fund was raised by Sweetwater Private Equity.

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Financial tombstone recognizing the close of the Sweetwater Secondaries Fund II. The fund was raised by Encinitas, California-based Sweetwater Private Equity. Back view of crystal deal tombstone marking the successful close of the Sweetwater Secondaries Fund.

Puzzle-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating a secured term loan for Saavi Energia, the largest privately held power generator in Mexico.

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Custom deal tombstone marking a term loan provided for Mexican power generator Saavi Energia. Puzzle-themed Lucite tombstone commemorating a term loan provided for Mexican power generator Saavi Energia.

Wind Turbine-Themed Lucite Commemorative

Lucite commemorative, incorporating a pewter wind turbine, honoring participation in an Australian renewable energy initiative.

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Custom Lucite recognizing participation in a renewable power generation initiative sponsored by the Victorian government in Australia.

Gold Bar-Themed Acquisition Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Moose River Resources. With the transaction, St. Barbara, through its Atlantic Mining subsidiary, will fully own the Touquoy Mine, located in Nova Scotia, Canada.

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Custom financial tombstone marking the acquisition of Moose River Resources, which had a 40% interest in Novia Scotia-based Touquoy Mine.

HVAC-Themed Lucite Tombstone

Custom tombstone commemorating two acquisitions by HVAC equipment manufacturer Havtech. The Columbia, Maryland-based firm acquired Air Conditioning Equipment Sales (ACES) and Mechanical Systems Testing & Balancing (MSTB).

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Custom deal toy celebrating the acquisition of two Richmond, Virginia-based firms: Air Conditioning Equipment Sales (ACES) and Mechanical Systems Testing & Balancing (MSTB).

Light Bulb-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating the acquisition of a stake in Východoslovenská energetika, an electricity supplier in Slovakia.

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Crystal financial tombstone the acquisition of a stake by RWE in Výdchodoslovenská energetika, a Slovakian electricity supplier based in Kosice.

Offshore Wind Turbine Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating Iberdrola’s sale of a 40% stake in East Anglia One. The offshore wind project is located in the British North Sea.

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Generator-Themed Deal Tombstone

Custom deal tombstone recognizing the acquisition of Associated Power, a provider of portable generators and air compressors.

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Custom financial tombstone marking the acquisition of portable power generator and air compressor provider Associated Power.