Faceted crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition by NRG Energy of Stream Energy’s retail electricity and gas business.
(9AJH121)Faceted crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition by NRG Energy of Stream Energy’s retail electricity and gas business.
(9AJH121)Custom crystal tombstone marking financing for the Nachtigal Hydro Power Project in Cameroon.
(9AMF144)Crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of energy management technology from Whisker Labs. The technology involves a thermodynamic model predicting home heating and air conditioning energy needs.
(9AKL296)Logo-themed tombstone marking credit facilities provided for Bunker Holding, a bunker company providing storage of petroleum products. The syndicate, lead by Deutsche Bank and Nordea, also included DZ Bank, Jyske Bank, LBBW, NORD/LB, Hamburg Commercial Bank, HSBC, Bank of China, KfW, SEB, and UBS. .
(9LJW090)Lucite curve tombstone commemorating credit facility for Linde, an industrial gas company.
(9AJH061)Custom Lucite tombstone recognizing the acquisition of DH Pump & Supply, a provider of pump-related services and components such as plungers and pony rods.
(9AMF085)Map-themed deal toy marking the acquisition of a solar plant in Spain’s Murcia region.
(8LJW265)Water drop-themed tombstone commemorating the acquisition by Japanese water treatment firm Kurita Water of Avista Technologies. California-based Avista manufactures and sells reverse osmosis chemicals.