Solar-themed Lucite tombstone marking an acquisition by South Korea’s state-run Korea Electric Power Co. (KEPCO).
(7ASK015)Solar-themed Lucite tombstone marking an acquisition by South Korea’s state-run Korea Electric Power Co. (KEPCO).
(7ASK015)Dam-themed Lucite tombstone marking bonds issued by the Linth-Limmern power stations. The system of hydroelectric power stations and reservoirs is located near Linthal, Switzerland.
(7LKC068)Gold nugget-themed deal tombstone recognizing a placement of ordinary share by Beadell Resources. The Australian firm operates a gold mine located in Brazil.
(7AKL293)Custom tombstone commemorating the sale of Oslo, Norway-based Fjords Processing, a provider of process support systems for gas, oil, and water.
(7LJW090)Water tank-themed deal toy marking a private placement by Select Energy Services. The company provides water and related services for the oil and gas industries.
(7AMF091)Lucite deal tombstone marking the recapitalization of the multinational energy group Areva.