Roller coaster-themed custom crystal years-of-service award presented by Fixt. Baltimore-based Fixt provides on-demand set-up, repair, and replacement of devices.
(9AMF104)Roller coaster-themed custom crystal years-of-service award presented by Fixt. Baltimore-based Fixt provides on-demand set-up, repair, and replacement of devices.
(9AMF104)Police car-themed deal toy marking the merger of Lexipol and Praetorian Digital. The resulting platform provides local government and public safety clients to policy and training materials.
(9ALJ155)Custom crystal deal toy, featuring a 3-D internal etch, celebrating a public offering of convertible notes by Zendesk, the San Francisco-based software provider.
(8ALJ138)Microphone-themed deal toy marking an equity raising by call recording platform Dubber.
(9ALJ138)Logo-themed crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of Microcel, a consumer electronics distributor based in Ontario, Canada.
(9ALJ101)Custom Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition of Boston-based Zoominfo, a provider of marketing contact database tools. The acquiring firm, DiscoverOrg, is located in Vancouver, Washington.
(9ACJ049)Logo-themed tombstone marking the acquisition by Swedish software firm Hexagon of Bricys, a developer of collaborative software for building design and construction.