In both Lucite and crystal, cut shapes extend the boundaries of possible features and designs. See how they can add both depth and detail to your deal toy or custom award.

Software Firm Acquisition Tombstone

Lucite tombstone marking the acquisition of irth Solutions, a provider of management software for the energy, utilities, and telecom sectors.

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Lucite deal toy commemorating the acquisition of irth Solutions. The Columbus, Ohio-based firm specializes in productivity and workflow tools for the telecom, utilities, and energy sectors.

Cargo-Themed Acquisition Tombstone

Custom Lucite tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Magaya, a provider of software for warehouse and supply-chain management.

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Offshore Oil Rig-Themed Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating a U.S. dollar bond issue by oil firm OKEA, based in Norway.

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Back view of deal tombstone celebrating a successful USD bond issue by Norwegian oil firm OKEA.

X-ray-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy celebrating an equity raise for Micro-X, a producer of lightweight X-ray products.

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Helicopter-Themed Deal Toy

Helicopter-themed deal toy recognizing the acquisition by Brookfield Property Partners of 4 U.S. shopping malls. JPMorgan was among the sellers of the shopping center properties.

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Nutrition Bar-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating Hershey’s acquisition of One Brands, a producer of protein bars.

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Tax Software Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy celebrating a minority investment by New York-based private equity firm Bregal Sagemount in SurePrep. SurePrep is a provider of tax automation software.

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Snack Food Deal Toy

Custom deal toy marking the acquisition by Hershey of Pirate Brands. Pirate Brands marketed such snack foods as Pirate’s Booty, Smart Puffs, and original Tings.

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Custom financial tombstone commemorating the acquisition by Amplify Snack Brands, a subsidiary of Hershey, of Pirate Brands. The seller was B&G Foods.

Elevator or “Lift”-Themed Deal Toy

Elevator-themed deal toy commemorating the acquisition by Boeing of aerospace interiors company EnCore Group. The acquisition included LIFT by EnCore, a division that had previously partnered with Boeing.

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