In both Lucite and crystal, cut shapes extend the boundaries of possible features and designs. See how they can add both depth and detail to your deal toy or custom award.

Pagoda-Themed Financial Tombstone

Pagoda-themed financial tombstone marking the acquisition of shares of Hansu, a South Korean water treatment operator.

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Korean-themed deal toy commemorating the acquisition of shares in water treatment operator Hansu.

Construction Financing Crystal Tombstone

Custom crystal tombstone celebrating construction financing by the Danish pension fund PKA of a student housing project. The development is the third by BaseCamp in Denmark.

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Washington State-Themed Deal Tombstone

Custom crystal deal tombstone, featuring a horseshoe design, commemorating an investment in Kerrits Activewear. Based in Bingen, Washington, the company specializes in apparel for the equestrian sports industry.

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Cannabis-Themed Crystal Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy marking the acquisition of two cannabis brands by SLANG Worldwide.

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Waste Management Deal Toy

Custom crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition by Houston-based Waste Energy Management Services of Petro Waste Environmental. Petro Waste specializes in oil field environmental services an solid waste disposal.

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Asaleo Logo-Themed Crystal Tombstone

Logo-themed crystal tombstone recognizing the sale by Asaleo Care of its Australian consumer toilet paper and facial tissue business.

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Airplane-Themed Fund Closing Tombstone

Custom tombstone celebrating the successful closing of the WNG Aircraft Opportunities Fund II. The Fund is expected to acquire 40-60 Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

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Custom Lucite celebrating the successful of the WNG Aircraft Opportunities Fund II. The fund is focused on investment in a portfolio of Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

Fund Closing Commemorative Crystal

Custom crystal marking the close by PeakSpan Capital of its second fund. .

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Mountain-themed custom crystal celebrating the close of PeakSpan's second fund. The Burlingame, California-based venture firm focused on growth-stage software companies.

Pet & Animal-Themed Deal Toy

Pet-themed deal toy marking the acquisition of Horseman’s Pride and Jolly Pets.

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