Logo-themed tombstone marking the issuance of bonds by Kuwait Projects Co. (KIPCO). KIPCO is the Gulf state’s largest financial investment company.
(8AJH320)In both Lucite and crystal, cut shapes extend the boundaries of possible features and designs. See how they can add both depth and detail to your deal toy or custom award.
Logo-themed tombstone marking the issuance of bonds by Kuwait Projects Co. (KIPCO). KIPCO is the Gulf state’s largest financial investment company.
(8AJH320)Custom crystal tombstone marking the merger between BancorpSouth Bank and its wholly owned subsidiary, Jackson, Alabama-based Merchants Bank.
(9AKL215)Atlas statue-themed crystal deal toy commemorating a loan related to the sale of a portfolio of non-performing loans by Piraeus Bank of Greece. The portfolio was acquired by Bain Capital.
(8LJW271)Logo-based crystal tombstone commemorating two transactions involving London-based oil and gas exploration and production company SOCO. The two transactions involve a reserve based lending facility for SOCO, and SOCO’s acquisition of the Merlon El Fayum Petroleum Company.
(8LJW241)Custom deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Periscope, a Minneapolis-based advertising agency.
(9ACJ050)Microphone-themed deal toy marking an equity raising by call recording platform Dubber.
(9ALJ138)Ship’s propeller-themed deal toy marking multiple transactions involving Norwegian marine technology company Kongsberg.