Lucite deal toy commemorating the acquisition of information and communication firm Acuntia. The company is based in Madrid, Spain. (6LACB47). Follow this link for a gallery of other tombstones with spinning elements.
Lucite deal toy commemorating the acquisition of information and communication firm Acuntia. The company is based in Madrid, Spain. (6LACB47). Follow this link for a gallery of other tombstones with spinning elements.
Logo-themed custom Lucite marking the acquisition of Custom Cable, a Florida-based supplier of fiber optic and copper-cable assemblies. (6ARA862)
Prism-shaped Lucite marking the acquisition by Swiss firm Huber + Suhner of Polatis. Polatis is jointly headquartered in the U.S. and U.K. and is a developer of all-optical switches.
(6ALMD61)Cell tower-themed Lucite marking a joint venture between Altel and TELE2 Kazakhstan, resulting in the third largest mobile company in Kazakhstan.
(6LJWC18)Custom deal toy marking the sale of Swedish ecommerce site Inkclub by ICA.
(6LJWD62)Deal tombstone marking the purchase by private equity firm Ardian of Gantner, the world’s largest provider of contactless technology to the fitness sector. Gantner produces high-tech wristbands and smartphones apps primarily for access control and payment, used by gyms but also by pools and theme parks.
(6LJWD12)Satellite dish-themed deal toy commemorating the sale of Singapore satellite communications firm ST Teleport.