Category: Technology and Communications

Mandate Award Commemorative

Lucite commemorative marking the award by APG Investments to BNY Mellon of a mandate to provide securities servicing for derivatives and other complex products.

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Multinational I-Phone-Themed Tombstone

Custom tombstone marking the acquisition of Hibu LatAm by Publicar, owned by Colombian investment firm Evolvere Capital. Hibu provides multinational phone directory and internet advertising services.

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Beer Glass-Themed Lucite Tombstone

Beer glass-themed lucite tombstone celebrating the acquisition of beer sharing app Untappd. The acquirer is wine and beer identification and recommendation app Next Glass.

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Payment Processor Deal Tombstone

Deal tombstone marking the acquisition of Munich, Germany-based payments processor PAY.ON. Acquirer, Florida-based ACI Worldwide, is a provider of e-payment and banking solutions.

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Cable-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy recognizing a transaction involving Underground Cable Systems, based in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia.

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Fingerprint Recognition Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy commemorating transaction involving Precise Biometrics, a Swedish firm involved in the development of software and hardware for fingerprint recognition and smart cards.

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Shield-Themed Acquisition Deal Tombstone

Shield-themed deal tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Boston-based Core Security. Core Security has developed penetration-testing software that enables companies to identify network vulnerabilities.

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SEO Firm Deal Tombstone

Deal tombstone marking a trade receivables securitization for Italian IT firm Primi Sui Motori. The firm’s primary focus is providing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services.

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Software Industry Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy marking the acquisition by Bedford, Massachusetts-based Progress Software of Telerik. Based in Sofia, Bulgaria, Telerik’s tools include a mobile development platform and a CMS (content management system).

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