Logo-inspired designs don’t have to be obvious or predictable. See some of the techniques and effects that can imaginatively transform your (or your client’s) logo into a compelling design element.

AI Platform Acquisition Tombstone

Logo-themed Lucite tombstone celebrating the acquisition of London-based Ravelin, an AI-powered fraud prevention platform. (25AZH009)

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Music Platform Acquisition Tombstone

Crystal deal tombstone marking the acquisition of HotDrop, a platform that connects emerging musicians with their fans. (25AKL039)

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Accounting & Consulting Firm Lucite Tombstone

Lucite tombstone, featuring a cut-plexi logo, marking the sale of Aider, a technology-focused accounting and consulting firm based in Olso, Norway. (24LNL198)

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Logo-Themed Lucite Leadership Award

Custom Lucite award recognizing leadership in the Maine State Library system. (21AA037)

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Top view of Lucite leadership award. Side view of Maine State Library custom leadership award.

Logo-Themed Employee Team Award

Crystal “Emby” award designed for employee team recognition at Explain My Benefits. (23ZH156)

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Honda National Technician Award

Custom Lucite award presented to winners of Honda’s inaugural National Technican Contest. The event also recognizes Honda’s Powersports technical training programs. (24ALJ356)

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Side view of custom Lucite award created for Honda's inaugural National Technician Contest

Mining Sector Crystal Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Euromining. Gällivare, Sweden-based company is a contractor of heavy equipment primarily targeting the mining industry. (24LNL209)

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Logo-Shaped Renewable Energy Royalty Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemoating an agreement for the future renewable energy royalties of Nokomis. Nokomis is a Minneap9lis-based solar energy developer. (24AKL256)

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Back view of deeal tombstone marking a renewable energy roaylty agreement.

Gold-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy marking the acquisition of Trophy Point, an upstate New York-based construction services and consulting firm. (24AZH134)

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Side view of logo-themed deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Trophy Point.