Logo-themed crystal deal toy commemorating the sale of Marfin Bank Romania.
(8LSS200)Logo-inspired designs don’t have to be obvious or predictable. See some of the techniques and effects that can imaginatively transform your (or your client’s) logo into a compelling design element.
Logo-themed crystal deal toy commemorating the sale of Marfin Bank Romania.
(8LSS200)Custom tombstone marking the acquisition of a majority stake in the Dutch firm Raet. The firm provides human resources (HR) cloud software and services.
(8LSS217)Logo-themed tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Buffalo, New York-based Stampede, which specializes in selling broadcast camera equipment.
(8AMF203)Logo-themed tombstone commemorating financing related to a solar energy project.
(8AJH289)Logo-themed deal toy commemorating bonds issued by United Real Estate Company. URC is a Kuwaiti real estate developer.
(8AJH203)Logo-themed crystal deal toy celebrating a reinsurance agreement between Syncora and Assured Guaranty Corp.
(8AKL306)Logo-themed crystal tombstone celebrating the closing by London-based Apiary Capital of its debut fund. The fund will focus on opportunities in the lower-middle market in the UK.
(8LJW207)Lucite tombstone featuring a cut plexi logo, and marking the acquisition of Allergy Laboratories by Denmark’s ALK. Based in Oklahoma, Allergy Laboratories produces materials used in allergy immunotherapy treatments.
(7ALJ421)Logo-themed deal tombstone marking the an investment in Dapresy, a Swedish provider of visual data reporting software.