What’s The Difference Between Glass And Crystal?

September 10, 2024 by David Parry

Glass and crystal look similar to the untrained eye, but they're not manufactured the same way and there are other important differences that may make one preferable to the other for your custom award or deal toys. These differences range from their...

Lucite Vs. Acrylic: The Differences And Uses Of Both

September 4, 2024 by David Parry

Acrylic: it's one of those words that's become part of everyday life. Having said that, most of us would probably struggle to define exactly what it is. We just know what it looks like. Lucite is a term that probably isn't as familiar. What...

Who Gets Custom Deal Toys (and What Exactly are They For?)

September 3, 2024 by David Parry

If you're not in the financial industry, there's a good chance you've never even heard of custom deal toys. And you're even less likely to have heard of the other, less captivating term they commonly go by: "financial tombstones". But even if...

Financial Tombstones: 7 Things You Should Know

August 15, 2024 by David Parry

What exactly are "financial tombstones"? You can find some good definitions of financial tombstones online, though some are slightly inaccurate, or just incomplete. For instance, you may have come across this: "Financial tombstones (also known...

Do Lawyers Get Deal Toys?

August 15, 2024 by David Parry

Yes, lawyers do, in fact, get deal toys. That's been the case since the practice of giving out deal toys first took root among investment bankers and dealmakers back in the 1970's. But that's probably not the most relevant or illuminating...

Custom Lucite Embedments: The Questions You Should Really be Asking

August 7, 2024 by David Parry

Custom Lucite embedments, as you may already know, offer an ideal way to preserve, showcase, and honor prized items and objects. Unless you don't know what you're doing. Or you don't know enough about Lucite embedments to ask the important...

The Google IPO Deal Toy: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary

August 1, 2024 by David Parry

Google's Iconic Lava Lamps and the Landmark Tombstone August hasn't traditionally been the most laid-back time of year for Google. In 2015, co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin chose the month to announce a corporate restructuring, and the...

Proud to be Providing ESPN’s ESPY Awards…Again

July 12, 2024 by David Parry

ESPN's annual ESPY awards telecast is celebrated for bringing full-on Oscar-style glitz and red carpet trappings to the international sports world. The event is also famed for emotional, and often galvanizing acceptance speeches. (ESPN itself...

Exploring the Possibilities of Custom Lucite Award Designs

June 18, 2024 by David Parry

"Custom Lucite" is a term that's been subject to a good deal of misuse and confusion. Some vendors offer "custom" Lucites, especially "custom Lucite awards", with promises of off-the-shelf availability and next-day shipment. But if these vendors are...