Category: Tips & Tricks

Car & Motorcycle Deal Toys: Yet Another Thrill-Packed Gallery

September 4, 2015 by David Parry

The tremendous response to our post several months ago on car and motorcycle deal toys prompted us to reach back again into our archives. Because let’s face it: September can be a busy month… and you may not have time this year to join the...

Looking for Tech Deal Toy Ideas? Here’s a Great Place to Start

March 4, 2015 by David Parry

Our site now has three separate places for you to find a wider array of tech deal toy ideas–and more quickly and easily. You’re no doubt aware of the converging trends currently heating up the tech sector—and therefore increasing the...

7 Employee Recognition Awards That Should Make You Cringe

October 28, 2014 by David Parry

What could be more frightening than handing out the same tired, interchangeable, off-the-shelf, clichéd employee recognition awards? Maybe receiving one. Looking for creative employee recognition awards? Good luck. Because let’s face it:...

Deal Toy Ideas for Spin-Off “Mania”

October 9, 2014 by David Parry

Interesting Deal Toy Ideas for Spin-Off Transactions “Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Barnes & Noble---the rash of spinoff announcements this year has been dizzying”. The CNBC report quoted here goes on to note that 62 spinoff transactions are...

“Help! The Lucites in My Order All Look Different”

March 21, 2014 by David Parry

Lucites in your deal toy order will vary. That’s just the nature of the Lucite production process; but where and how your Lucites vary is the real issue. “I’m here in our conference room with my colleagues…” Unscheduled calls...

Essential Deal Toys for a Successful Closing Dinner

August 26, 2013 by David Parry

Related: Closing Dinner Deal Toys: 5 Ways to Avoid Disaster 7  Ways to Streamline the Deal Toy Process offers this bit of seemingly self-evident, but often neglected advice, and it’s more applicable here than just about anytime...

Don’t Even Think About Putting That in Lucite

July 29, 2013 by David Parry

Don't Even Think about Putting That in Lucite Not everything can be placed inside Lucite; and even some things that can, shouldn’t. By that I mean: placing certain items inside deal toys will not work simply as a result of the baking process...

7 Surefire Signs You Chose the Wrong Deal Toy Company

June 28, 2013 by David Parry

You can avoid choosing the wrong deal toy company. Here are the 7 warning signs that the deal toy company you may be considering (or already using) may not be the right one. 1. They’ve Got No Depth It’s one thing to run a lean operation;...