Category: Transportation

Automobile Tire-Themed Financial Tombstone

Custom financial tombstone commemorating the acquisition of Indonesian car tire maker Multistrada.

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Crane-Themed Crystal Deal Toy

Crystal deal toy commemorating the acquisition of  Demag Mobile Cranes, a German manufacturer of cranes and related parts. The firm specializes in equipment for port facilities.

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Jet Fighter-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating the acquisition of Miamisburg, Ohio-based Renegade Materials. Renegade produces prepreg (high-performance adhesives and fabrics) for the military and commercial aerospace industries.

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Custom deal tombstone marking the acquisition of Renegade Materials, a supplier of heat-resistant components for the aerospace industry. The acquiring firm was Tokyo-based materials supplier Teijin.

Airplane-Themed Lucite Tombstone

Airplane-themed Lucite tombstone marking a bond issue by SATA Air Azores.

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Custom financial tombstone, incorporating a model airplane, commemorating a 65 million Euro bond issue by SATA Air Azores.

Infrastructure Bond Deal Toy

Custom deal toy commemorating bonds issued by the Port of Brisbane (Australia).

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Airplane-Themed Crystal Tombstone

Airplane-themed crystal tombstone recognizing a senior secured term loan facility for Allegiant Air, a subsidiary of Las Vegas-based Allegiant Travel.

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Custom Resin & Wood Deal Toy (Top View)

Custom wood and Lucite deal toy marking the acquisition by cable television firm Comcast of European pay tv firm Sky.

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Roman Galley-Themed Tombstone

Custom resin and wood tombstone celebrating the sale by 21st Century Fox to Comcast of its stake in  the European pay-TV service Sky.

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Custom wood and Lucite deal toy commemorating the sale of a stake in U.K.-based satellite tv broadcaster Sky. Cable firm Comcast acquired the stake from 21st Century Fox.

Carsharing-Themed Deal Toy

Custom Lucite deal toy marking the acquisition of Paris-based car-sharing platform Drivy, which operates in 170 cities in Europe.

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