Category: Transportation

Nautical-Themed Deal Toy

Nautical-themed deal toy commemorating an investment in Safe Harbor Marinas, the world’s largest owner and operator of marinas.

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Lucite Deal Toy with Pewter Rail Car

Custom Lucite deal toy with embedded pewter rail car commemorating facilities tied to the acquisition of RGCX. The company manages railcars operating in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

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Formel D Car-Themed Lucite Tombstone (8LJW119)

Car-themed financial tombstone commemorating the sale of Formel D. The German company is a provider of support services for the auto industry, including those related to retooling, quality assurance, and post-processing.

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Automobile Plant-Themed Deal Toy (Side View)

Waterfront-Themed Deal Tombstone

Lucite tombstone marking the sale of the Stigsborg Waterfront in northern Denmark.

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Shipping Industry Deal Tombstone

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Crystal Deal Tombstone

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Sailboat-Themed Deal Toy

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Tractor Trailer Truck-Themed Deal Toy

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Luxury Car IPO Tombstone

Lucite tombstone marking the initial public offering of Australian luxury car dealer Autosports Group. The Sydney-based company was founded in 2006.

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