Category: Transportation

Airline Notes Offering Tombstone

Lucite tombstone marking a notes offering by United Airlines parent United Continental Holdings.

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Bus-Themed Deal Tombstone

Bus-themed deal tombstone commemorating a strategic investment by private equity firm Silver Lake Partners in FlixBus. FlixBus operates intercity bus service in 20 countries across Europe.

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Inflight Catering Deal Toy

Inflight catering deal toy marking the acquisition of Servair. Based in Zurich, Servair provides food services to over 300 airlines globally.

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NOL Container Shipping Deal Toy

Container shipping deal toy marking the acquisition of Singapore-based NOL (Neptune Orient Lines) by CMA CGM.

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Conveyor Belt-Themed Deal Toy

Conveyor belt-themed deal toy marking the acquisition of Wisconsin-based Dorner by Swedish private equity firm EQT. Dorner designs and manufactures conveyor systems.

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Highway-Themed Deal Tombstone

Highway-themed deal tombstone marking the acquisition of the Pocahontas Parkway in Virginia.

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Toll Road Sale Tombstone

Lucite tombstone recognizing the sale of Northwest Parkway, a toll road in the Denver, Colorado area.

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Toll Road-Themed Tombstone

Toll road-themed tombstone marking the sale of a stake in Indonesia’s Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road, the nation’s longest.

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Towboat/Barge-Themed Deal Toy

Custom deal toy marking the acquisition of the marine assets of Settoon Towing, including 35 towboats and 63 liquid tank barges. Settoon is based in Pierre Part, Louisiana.

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