Category: Transportation

Altegrity Steering Wheel Deal Toy

Deal tombstone marking the acquisition of Explore, a provider of analytics software for the auto insurance industry.

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Harley-Davidson Custom Deal Toy

Lucite tombstone commemorating a transaction involving motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson.

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Currency Swap Deal Commemorative

Custom Lucite recognizing a currency swap for Johnson Electric. The Hong Kong-based firm specializes in motion systems for automotive and industrial applications.

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Trico Custom Deal Toy

Corporate tombstone marking the acquisition of Trico Products Inc. Headquartered in Rochester Hills, Michigan, Trico produces, markets, and distributes windshield wiper blades and components.

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Signet Maritime Industry Tombstone

Deal gift commemorating financing facility for Houston-based Signet Maritime Corporation. Signet is an international marine transportation company.

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Amports Lucite Tombstone

Lucite tombstone celebrating the acquisition of Amports, a vehicle ports processor with operations in Mexico and the United States. The purchaser was New York-based private equity firm Lincolnshire Management. 

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Delphi Automotive Parts Deal Toy

Lucite deal toy marking a bond offering by Delphi Corporation. Based in Troy, Michigan, Delphi is a global supplier of automotive parts.

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Amphenol Financial Tombstone

Financial tombstone recognizing the acquisition by Wallingford, Connecticut-based electroparts manufacturer Amphenol of Tecvox. Headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama, Tecvox is a manufacturer and supplier of intelligent automotive infotainment components.

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Queensland Motorways Financial Tombstone

Financial tombstone marking the acquisition by Queensland Motorways of the CLEM 7 tunnel. The tunnel and tollroad network connects several major Brisbane roadways.

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